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Helping Hands

PTA Roles and Responsibilities


Executive Board Descriptions:

** All executive board members are required to attend monthly board meetings which are the last Thursday of the month at 9:15am at Knights View Elementary.  Members at Large are expected to support and attend all PTA functions. **  


  • Presides over meetings of the Executive Board (monthly) and General PTA (quarterly)

  • Coordinates work of all PTA board members to ensure duties are being carried out

  • Represents and supports all Knights View PTA and school events

  • Signs contracts and checks

  • Serves as liaison between PTA and Administration/Staff

  • Coordinate Holiday Gift Drive with School Counselor

  • Creates and manages PTA sign up geniuses


Vice President

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings

  • Assumes all responsibilities including volunteering when needed, as well as other duties as called on by the PTA President 

  • Represents and supports all Knights View PTA and school events

  • Steps in to lead and/or support any committee that hasn’t been filled for the school year

  • Leads the Welcoming Committee


  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings

  • Collects, deposits, and disburses all funds according to the budget

  • Maintains a current record of income, expenditures, and assets

  • Presents a financial report of income and expenses at each PTA Executive Board meeting

  • Prepares a year-end financial report, and files all required tax forms

  • Knowledge of bookkeeping, finance, or accounting required

  • Oversees VP and Committee Chairs when needed, by giving budgetary status updates at the Executive Board meetings

  • Responsible for ensuring the Audit Committee is in place


  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings

  • Records the minutes of all PTA meetings

  • Translates minutes and distributes them to Executive Board members, as well as maintains an archive of the current year’s minutes and other important documents

  • Oversees yearbook contract, orders, and distribution 

VP Communications

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings

  • Oversees all communication efforts between the PTA and parents to ensure we are engaging and communicating with the school community as needed, and when opportunities for involvement arise

  • Ensures that PTA website is accurate and up to date with relevant information for parents and volunteers

  • Publishes the monthly newsletter and parent square push out to families

  • Manages the PTA Instagram & Facebook accounts


VP Fundraising

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings

  • Works closely with the PTA President and PTA Treasurer

  • Responsible for and oversees all fundraising programs/committees of the PTA such as:

    • Book Fair

    • Spirit Nights

    • Fundraising Campaigns

    • Box Tops/Retail rewards

  • Works closely with Fun Run company to coordinate and prepare the contract for the following year 

  • Assists with all sponsorships and helps event chairs secure sponsors for fundraising if needed

  • Identifies and contacts potential community supporters for advertising opportunities 

  • Gives status updates at Executive Board Meetings 

VP Hospitality

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings

  • Responsible for planning and executing Teacher Appreciation Week

    • Communicates theme and daily recognition/ opportunities for students and families to participate via fliers, newsletter, website, and class parents 

    • Recruits volunteers for any setup/ clean up that is necessary throughout the week

    • Recruits volunteers to assist with making posters to decorate each teacher’s classroom door

  • Oversees all other hospitality events and/or committees responsible for:

    • Bulletin Boards

    • Appreciation Days

    • Teacher Luncheons

  • Works closely with each committee head to supervise, assist, and problem solve should any issues arise

VP Special Events and Programs

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings

  • Serves as (or oversees) Class Parent Coordinator

  • Oversees and assists all planning committees for:

    • Fall Event

    • Spring Event

    • Food Drive

    • Holiday Shop

    • Winter Treat

  • Works closely with each committee head to supervise, assist, and problem solve should any issues arise 

Member at Large

  • Serves on the Executive Board and attends monthly meetings

  • Assists the Board in whatever capacity is needed

  • Supports school events, committees, and programs whenever needed

  • Gives school tours when available

  • Learns the various roles of the Executive Board, in the hopes they take on a position the following year


Audit Committee Chair

  • The chair of this standing committee serves on and shall have a vote on the Executive Board

  • The audit committee & its chair will conduct a monthly review of the PTA’s bank statements and supporting documents and shall sign an acknowledgment on the bank statements that the expenditures were consistent with the approved budget.

Nominating Committee Chair

  • The chair of this standing committee serves on and shall have a vote on the Executive Board

  • The nominating committee & its chair identifies talented, motivated, and responsible individuals to serve as officers for next year's PTA Board.  The committee will present the slate of nominees to the Board and general assembly to be voted upon at the May General PTA Meeting. 

Advocacy Committee Chair​

  • The chair of this standing committee serves on and shall have a vote on the Executive Board

  • The advocacy committee and its chair shall develop and organize meetings, activities, and programs to further the goals and purposes of PTA. This committee is tasked with improving communications and relationships between school staff and families; educating families and caregivers on important issues related to the health and educational success of their children; and helping to make each child’s potential a reality.

Committee Lead Descriptions:


Book Fair

  • Communicates with Executive Board prior to event, and reaches out to all Board members when assistance is needed

  • 2-3 committee chairs that are responsible for coordinating and planning the events (one in the Fall, one in the Spring)

  • Responsible for scheduling book preview times with teachers (usually in the morning at the start of the week of the fair) and coordinating teacher wishlists 

  • Responsible for setup and take down

  • Responsible for any before school and after school shopping events related to the Fair

  • Responsible for knowing and maintaining the inventory. This involves speaking with Scholastic reps on a daily basis to order restocks.

  • Responsible for running daily reports, and maintaining bank deposits and petty cash

  • Creates signs and fliers to advertise event

  • Organizes volunteers to assist during the week of the event

  • *This is a significant time commitment for the week leading up to the fair, and the week during the fair. Strong organizational skills required. 

Bulletin Board

  •  Works with Principal and VP of Hospitality to design and create hallway PTA bulletin boards

  • This job has to be done during school hours.

Class Parent Coordinator(s)

  • Works with VP of Communications

  • Serves as the main correspondence between PTA, teachers, and room parents

  • Responsible for assigning the room parents for each classroom

  • Uses Google Forms and Google Sheets

  • Involves ensuring each classroom has class parent coverage, and preparing emails and posts to be sent out through the class parents

  • Guides the class parents as they organize their class parties (2 per year), and works to resolve any issues that may arise

  • Sends monthly reminders to class parents for their teacher’s birthdays

  • Maintains ongoing communication with class parents, by answering any questions or offering guidance to them throughout the school year

Family Food/ Spirit Nights Coordinator

  • Works with VP of Fundraising 

  • Contacts Ballantyne restaurants to coordinate fundraisers for our school (restaurants will offer us a percentage of their sales on a particular day/night)

  • Advertises food nights via fliers, social media, newsletter, parent square messages, and teacher emails


Food Truck Night Lead

  •  Works with VP of Special Events and Programs

  • Organizes a Fall Food Truck Night, that coincides with Book Fair shopping 

  • Creates flier to advertise event

  • Coordinates food trucks to be present at the event (usually 3 trucks)

  • Helps setup and clean up for the event

  • *This is a great opportunity for working parents, because the preparation can be done on your own time/around your own schedule. The actual event is about a 2.5-3 hour time commitment.

Winter Treat Lead

  • Works with VP of Special Events and Programs

  • Organizes volunteers, as well as supplies, to make and distribute hot chocolate to all the classrooms the last day before winter break


  • Update our PTA website once a week, making sure all information is current and up to date

  • Basic knowledge of wix-based website required

  • Supported by VP of Communications

Special Occasions/ Appreciation Weeks

  • Works with VP of Hospitality

  • Gets and gives gifts with PTA funds to Knights View staff, administration, and teachers, in recognition of birthdays, marriages, babies, etc., as well as in recognition of school wide appreciation days/weeks

  • Organizes a morning and afternoon treat for Knights View bus drivers twice a year

Penguin Patch Holiday Shop

  •  Works with VP of Special Programs and Events to coordinate this event

  • Oversees the merchandise ordering and restocking of the holiday shop for students

  • Oversees the setup and clean up of the shop

  • Works with admin to schedule shopping times for teachers

  • Recruits volunteers to help with daily setup, monitoring the sales floor, and with the cash register 

  • Works with Treasurer for daily deposits and final payments due to supplier

  • Signs contract and redeems loyalty rewards as needed

  • *This is a significant time commitment for the week leading up to the shop, and the week during the shop. 

Welcoming Committee 

  • Works with Vice President(s)

  • Leads and organizes committee that welcomes new families to Knights View

  • Helps new families transition (either to kindergarten or new to the area) by connecting them with an Knights View “buddy” parent that will help answer questions

  • Plans and hosts 2 gatherings (Fall and Winter) to introduce new families to the administration, counselor, and PTA


  • Works closely with Secretary

  • Uses yearbook company’s software to design our annual yearbook, taking care to meet deadlines provided by book publisher

  • Coordinates a small team to assist with photography and design aspects

  • Works with school Data Manager to proof rosters and names of staff and students

  • Must be detail oriented

5th Grade Steering Chairs

  • Works with PTA President

  • Usually 2 co-chairs with graduating 5th graders

  • Chairs will assemble a small committee that together plans and executes the 5th grade celebrations and activities throughout the year, closely working with the 5th grade teacher liaisons and the Principal

  • Celebrations/activities include ordering 5th grade t-shirts, service projects, a winter party, a car wash, and deciding on and sourcing a legacy gift

  • Plans and organizes Graduation Week events

  • Chairs are responsible for communicating to 5th grade families

  • Chairs are responsible for working with PTA President to keep track of 5th grade dues

Click here to view full board & committee lead contact list

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